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    1031 Exchange
    Five Tips for Identification
    A 1031 Exchange
    The 1031 process maintains stringent IRS requirements and tight deadlines that can be overwhelming and confusing. It is common for investors to become so focused on finding and closing on a replacement property that they overlook the details of how to identify with their Qualified Intermediary (QI). These mistakes can appear small but may result in huge consequences. Proper planning and proactive communication are key to avoiding common pitfalls and ensuring a smooth transaction.
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    1031 Exchange
    Potential Benefits
    of Debt in a DST
    Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs) have become a popular investment vehicle for real estate investors, particularly those involved in 1031 exchanges. One of the most compelling features of DSTs is their ability to easily access non-recourse debt that satisfies 1031 exchange requirements and provides numerous other potential benefits.
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    1031 Exchange
    Thinking About Selling?
    Consider a 1031 Exchange to
    Maximize Your Value
    It can be argued that there has never been a time in history when the 1031 exchange has been more critical to preserving wealth for property owners than today. The US has experienced tremendous capital growth, and real estate owners are now sitting on an unprecedented amount of equity. Additionally, landlords in major growth areas like California are potentially feeling the squeeze of state and local regulations as they look to exit for more landlord-friendly states.
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    1031 Exchange
    6 Questions to Ask When Shopping
    For A Qualified Intermediary

    Navigating the intricacies of a 1031 exchange can be challenging, especially when dealing with time-sensitive matters and complex financial details. To ensure a smooth process, it’s vital to thoroughly understand the role of your Qualified Intermediary (QI) and to ask the right questions. The following points highlight key inquiries you should make when selecting a QI, from understanding their fees and insurance coverage to ensuring reliable communication and the secure handling of your funds.
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    1031 Exchange
    Who’s Who in a DST/TIC
    1031 Exchange
    A Qualified Intermediary (QI), also known as an Accommodator or Facilitator, is a person or entity that holds the money in a 1031 exchange on behalf of the exchanger to adhere to regulation via Internal Revenue Code Section 1031 tax-deferred exchanges. The QI is a non-affiliated third party that plays a crucial role in ensuring the exchange complies with IRS regulations.
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    1031 Exchange
    Role of Debt in a
    1031 Exchange

    The increase in retiring landlords has led to a surge in 1031 capital flowing into passive solutions like Delaware Statutory Trusts (DST) and Tenants-In-Common (TIC). These investors are typically drawn to the turnkey nature of 1031 solutions, investing in high-quality real estate with potential passive income.
Popular Questions

What is RealtyMogul?

RealtyMogul empowers members to build a diversified real estate portfolio by providing a secure website and online tools to evaluate potential commercial real estate transactions offered by various real estate companies. Members can assess whether investment opportunities meet their investing goals and risk profile, and then sign legal documents securely online.

Deals only make it onto the platform after a formalized process to evaluate both the sponsor and the deal is performed by our affiliated broker-dealer, RM Securities.

After a member makes an investment, they have access to a member dashboard, that provides 24/7 access to their investments along with regular reporting provided by the real estate companies on the performance of these investments. Please note, RealtyMogul and its affiliates do not provide investment advice to members, and members must conduct their own evaluation and due diligence of prospective real estate investments. We strongly advise that you seek advice from an investment professional.

What are the potential benefits of using the RealtyMogul Platform?

RealtyMogul’s platform provides the software, tools and information that empower members to independently invest in commercial real estate. The platform provides the tools for accredited investors to independently diversify their portfolio with a variety of commercial debt and equity investments offered by numerous real estate companies. The platform enables members to build their own personal real estate portfolio. Members can sort through opportunities presented on the platform, review detailed information provided by the real estate companies and review the performance of past investments.

Our affiliated broker-dealer, RM Securities performs extensive due diligence on the sponsor, the business plan and the property before a deal is offered on the platform.

The RealtyMogul platform’s technology and software make the process frictionless, allowing you to screen investments online, sign legal documents online, and have access to all of your documents in one place on your member dashboard.

Please note, RealtyMogul and its affiliates do not provide investment advice to members, and members must conduct their own evaluation and due diligence of prospective real estate investments. We strongly advise that you seek advice from an investment professional.

What types of investment opportunities do real estate companies offer using the RealtyMogul Platform?

RealtyMogul’s platform is utilized by a wide variety of real estate companies (also known as “Sponsors”) that offer commercial real estate projects throughout the United States.

Individual deals that have been presented on the platform by Sponsors include:

  • Apartment buildings
  • Office
  • Retail
  • Industrial
  • Mixed-use
  • Ground-up development
  • Self-storage
  • Cold storage
  • Mobile home parks

RealtyMogul members can also invest in two non-traded Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) that give them access to a portfolio of properties that have the potential to pay passive income.

To find out more about the RealtyMogul REITs, please click here

How long has RealtyMogul been in business?

RealtyMogul was founded in 2012.

How much have RealtyMogul members invested on the Platform to date?

To date, over $${totalAmountFinanced} of capital has been invested in real estate projects on the RealtyMogul platform and real estate companies have raised capital to finance ${totalPropertiesFinanced}+ properties valued at over $${totalPropertyValueFinanced}.1,2

To view the performance of individual deals that have gone full cycle (in other words, the investments have been completed and all distributions have been paid to members), please see the Past Investments section of our website.

As for RealtyMogul’s two Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs):

To view the performance of the Income REIT, click here.

To view the performance of the Apartment Growth REIT, click here.

Please note, RealtyMogul does not provide investment advice to members, and members must conduct their own evaluation and due diligence of prospective real estate investments.

Additionally, investments in real estate are speculative, highly illiquid, and involve substantial risk. You should not invest unless you can sustain the risk of loss of capital, including the risk of total loss of capital. Please carefully review the general platform Disclosures and the specific offering documents for each investment product which contain important information about the fees you will pay, conflicts of interest, and relevant specific and general risks.

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1 Past performance is not indicative of future results and should not be used as a basis for an investor’s decision to invest. Investments made on the Realty Mogul platform prior to ${brokerDealerLaunchDate} were not offered by RM Securities, LLC and should not be viewed as indicative of or attributable to any performance related to the investment products or services offered by RM Securities, LLC, nor should you assume that any products or services offered by RM Securities, LLC will in the future will be profitable or equal to any performance of cumulative or specific past investments made on the Realty Mogul platform. All information and any calculations used herein is based on information from inception through ${brokerDealerLaunchDate} and subject to the Disclaimers and Defined Terms located on the Track Record Page.

2 Investments in real estate are speculative, highly illiquid, and involve substantial risk. You should not invest unless you can sustain the risk of loss of capital, including the risk of total loss of capital. Please carefully review the general platform Disclosures and the specific offering documents for each investment product which contain important information about the fees you will pay, conflicts of interest, and relevant specific and general risks.
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